Yue-Eng Gail Wang Study Abroad in Taiwan Fund
Established in memory of Dr. Yue-Eng Gail Wang to increase Americans’ knowledge of Taiwan by encouraging and supporting study abroad in Taiwan by students at the Florida Institute of Technology. (GF000186)Description
Funds from this endowment are to be used specifically to study in Taiwan at an accredited university. The length of stay in Taiwan must be at least one month or longer, with a full-semester duration of study in Taiwan strongly preferred. Applicants must be U.S. citizens in good academic standing at the time of the application. Applicants must not be 1st or 2nd generation immigrants from Taiwan or other Chinese heritage nations as the intention of this award is to support new cross-cultural experiences. Students in any major can apply. Matriculation must be in 1. A credit-granting course, in any subject, that will be certified by the Registrar to transfer 1 or more credits back to Florida Tech if a grade of C or better is earned; or 2. An accredited Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese language program associated with an accredited university in either Taiwan or the U.S.
Dr. William Gabrenya, Professor in the School of Psychology at Florida Institute of Technology, established this endowment to support students at FIT wishing to study abroad in Taiwan. The endowment honors Dr. Gabrenya’s wife, Yue-Eng Gail Wang, who passed away on November 9, 2011. Born in Taipei, Taiwan on June 8, 1948, Yue-Eng graduated first in her class in History at National Taiwan University in 1970. In 1979, she earned her Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the University of Missouri-Columbia following fieldwork in Hartsburg, Missouri. She received an M.S. in computer science from Florida Tech in 1987 and had a successful 17-year career at Harris Corporation as a software engineer, retiring in 2010.
The Yue-Eng Gail Wang Study Abroad in Taiwan Fund was established to increase Americans’ knowledge of Taiwan by encouraging Florida Tech students to study abroad in the country at any of several outstanding Universities. It is his hope that this fund will foster, for its future beneficiaries, a greater appreciation of Taiwanese society and culture, provide an opportunity to learn its languages, and develop enduring friendships and connections.
“What is particularly wonderful about this fund,” said President McCay, “is that it builds on FIT’s place as a national leader in internationalism while building on the University’s early connection with Taiwan that was established by FIT founding president Dr. Jerome Keuper. We attract a high percentage of international students to the U.S. and this fund will help our U.S. students to share in a meaningful experience in Taiwan. I am also very honored that Dr. Gabrenya has chosen to honor his wife, and our alum, Yue-Eng, in this special way.”
The Yue-Eng Gail Wang Study Abroad in Taiwan Fund will launch immediately this year. Students interested in the program can contact Heather Wautlet, Director of Study Abroad at hcudmore@3327e.com, for information on how to apply.